The Pace Car Program
Pedestrian safety is each driver’s responsibility!
Children’s physical and mental capacities are still developing well into their teens and they are often unable to make safe judgments about pedestrian safety. Drivers must be prepared for children to act like children.
Safe Communities Humboldt & Area & Safe Kids Canada are asking you to take the Pace Car Pledge.
Help reduce traffic speeds and decrease the number of pedestrian accidents.
FAQ’s about the Pace Car Program
Question: Will my car really make a difference?
Answer: Yes. We only need a small percentage of vehicles acting as Pace Cars to slow traffic community-wide. This starts a positive cycle. People feel more comfortable walking or cycling, which reduces traffic levels, making streets even safer, meaning even more people can walk or cycle.
Question: How long am I committing myself to this pledge?
Answer: We hope this that becomes a part of your lifestyle and regular driving habits.
Question: Does the Pace Car provoke road rage?
Answer: No. Many people who have signed up to the Pace Car Program were already driving the speed the limit. They report that incidents of road rage decrease when they label their car as a Pace Car. The Pace Car sticker informs other drivers as to why they are driving the speed limit.
Question: What happens if I accidentally speed?
Answer: Take a breath and slow down. The Pace Car pledge is a declaration of intent, not a legally binding contract. Kicking the speed habit can be hard work. Allow yourself more time to get places so you won’t be so tempted to speed.
Question: Do I only act as a Pace Car in my neighborhood or on all streets?
Answer: On all streets. The Pace Car is a kind of treaty between neighborhoods. You respect the quality of life in our neighborhood and we will do the same for you. The Pace Car promotes civility and mutual respect on our streets.
The Top 10 Reasons for the Pace Car Program
- Preliminary research with 10 and 11 year old children provides strong evidence that talking on a cell phone while crossing a street increases a child’s risk of being struck by a vehicle by up to one third.
- The simple presence of parents or caregivers can help reduce the risk of injury.
- Children aged 10 to 14 years have the highest incidence of pedestrian-related injuries, but a larger age range of children (5 to 14 years) are at the greatest risk for pedestrian-related fatalities.
- While boys have the highest rates of pedestrian injuries and deaths, the gender gap appears to be narrowing.
- The majority of child pedestrian injuries and deaths occur in urban areas, however, when a pedestrian is hit on a rural road, the result is more likely to be fatal because of higher vehicle speeds.
- More children acquire pedestrian-related injuries in the months of September and October, followed by May and June.
- Children are more likely to be struck by a car in areas with heavy traffic volumes, a high density of parked cars and limited choices for play, such as a neighborhood park. Lower income neighborhoods, particularly urban ones, have also been shown to present a higher risk for child pedestrian injuries.
- The most frequently reported child pedestrian action that results in injury or death is crossing at an intersection followed by running onto the road.
- Children are vulnerable to pedestrian injuries because they have not yet developed the cognitive and physical skills to cope with the many challenges of traffic.
- Speed reduction reduces the risk of pedestrian injuries and fatalities.
Did you know?
Most people can significantly reduce their car use (usually by 20%-50%) by organizing their travel more efficiently. The rewards are a savings in time and money.
To learn how you can take the pledge please contact us.