October 20-26 is Canadian Youth Road Safety Week, which focuses on keeping youth safe on the roads through initiatives such as Distracted Driving education. On October 22nd, in partnership with Humboldt Fire Department, Humboldt & District Ambulance – EMS and Humboldt Protective Services, we provided Distracted Driving presentations to roughly 100 grade 10 students from HCI.
Thank you so much to our program sponsor SGI, Nutrien Lanigan, BHP and Boston Pizza for supporting injury prevention programs in Humboldt & Area.

National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW) from October 15 to 21, 2023, is an awareness week designed to build public awareness of teen driver safety issues.
On October 17th, in partnership with Humboldt Fire Department and Protective Services, Humboldt & District Ambulance – EMS and Humboldt/Lanigan RCMP, we delivered Distracted Driving presentations to roughly 80 grade 10 students from HCI. The presentations discussed the consequences of distracted driving and the recommended actions to avoid being a distracted driver.
Thank you to the students for their attentiveness, engagement and meaningful discussions with the presenting emergency services partners and thank you to our sponsoring partners: SGI, Nutrien, and Humboldt Boston Pizza.
Drive safe out there!

October 16th-22nd, 2022 was National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW) – Safe Communities Humboldt & Area works with Emergency Services to deliver Distracted Driving messaging to young drivers
Safe Communities Humboldt & Area, with the support of the Humboldt Fire Department and Protective Services, Humboldt & District Ambulance Service and Humboldt RCMP, provided important messaging related to Distracted Driving to approximately 100 Grade 10 students from Humboldt Collegiate Institute. The young drivers learned about the risks and penalties related to Distracted Driving in our province and witnessed a live demonstration of the rollover simulator, showing the importance of wearing a seatbelt vs a lap belt or no seatbelt. Thank you to SGI for sponsoring our event and to Boston Pizza for providing gift letters to use as prizes for our students, your generosity is greatly appreciated.

October 17th-23rd, 2021 is National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW) – Safe Communities Humboldt & Area works with Emergency Services to deliver Distracted Driving messaging to young drivers
Safe Communities Humboldt & Area, with the support of the Humboldt Fire Department and Humboldt & District Ambulance Service, provided important messaging related to Distracted Driving to 200 Grade 9 and 10 students from Humboldt Collegiate Institute. The young drivers learned about the risks and penalties related to Distracted Driving in our Province and also received information on the risks of aggressive and drug and alcohol impaired driving.

October 18th-24th, 2020 is National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW) – Safe Communities Humboldt & Area wants teens to know #SpeedIsNoGame
National Teen Driver Safety Week was October 18th through 24th, 2020 and in conjunction with this, we held our “Red Thumb Reminder” campaign where area school students were asked to paint their thumb red as a visual reminder to commit to not text and drive, drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol or drive aggressively. We asked not only students but the general public to also take this pledge. Safe Communities Humboldt & Area also worked with the Humboldt Fire Department, Humboldt & District Ambulance Service and the Humboldt RCMP to virtually address 161 Grade 9 & 10 students from Humboldt Collegiate Institute and 107 Grade 9 through 12 students from Lake Lenore, Bruno, Three Lakes, Muenster and Annaheim Schools on the dangers and consequences of distracted driving in an effort to educate new drivers on this significant public road safety issue.

October 20th-26th, 2019 is National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW) – Safe Communities Humboldt & Area Brings Back the Annual Red Thumb Reminder Campaign and HCI Students Participate in Distracted Driving Awareness Activities
According to SGI, driver inattention and distraction is responsible for 21% of all collisions. On average, it leads to 41 fatalities a year in Saskatchewan.
Teen drivers have disproportionately high fatality, injury and collision rates. Drivers ages 16-24 tend to take more risks behind the wheel, despite their modest skill level.
In 2016, preliminary data shows that 18 people were killed and 1,082 were injured on Saskatchewan roads when a teen driver was behind the wheel. Although drivers in this age group only represent 6.63% of drivers on the road, they account for 18.3% of major injury collisions and 15.6% of fatal collisions in Saskatchewan.

October 22nd-28th,2018 is National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW) – Safe Communities Promotes Annual Red Thumb Reminder Campaign and Partners with Local Emergency Services to Deliver Distracted Driving Presentations to HCI Students
Young drivers die in crashes at a higher rate than any other age group in Canada. This year, Parachute’s National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW) is building awareness of drug-impaired driving as an emerging issue, with cannabis being the drug most commonly found in young drivers who are killed in crashes. NTDSW is also focused on drunk, distracted, and aggressive driving (including speeding), which are leading causes of teen driver fatalities. Help us spread the word and join the conversation on social media, using the hashtags #KnowWhatImpairedMeans.
Safe Communities Humboldt & Area is encouraging everyone to take part in the annual Red Thumb Reminder Campaign to create awareness surrounding the dangers of distracted, impaired and aggressive driving. Take the pledge and use this simple visual reminder to put the phone away and be safe on the road!
Thank you to Boston Pizza Humboldt for supporting our 2018 Distracted Driving program presenations at HCI with the Grade 9 & 10 students!
October 15th-21st, 2017 is National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW) – Safe Communities Kicks Off the Week with a Drive 4UR Community Event!
Drug-impaired driving among teens is a major concern. A ten-year trend shows one in four teens who died in a motor vehicle crash tested positive for cannabis. Safe Communities Humboldt & Area is partnering with Parachute for National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW), which takes place October 15-21, to create positive behaviour changes to reduce injury rates among teens. Safe Communities Humboldt & Area and Parachute urge teens, and all drivers, to #CrossSAFE in order to #GetHomeSafeSK, keep their #HeadsUp and help save lives.
Parachute National Teen Driver Safety Week is an annual public awareness campaign. This year, drugged driving is the primary focus; and messaging to teens will also address distracted, impaired and aggressive driving, including speeding. Safe Communities Humboldt & Area is coordinating their second “Red Thumb Reminder” Campaign along with a Drive 4UR Community Event at Discovery Ford on October 14th to kick off the week. SGI will be on hand at this event with their One Simple Decision Driver Simulator allowing attendees to experience firsthand the impact of distracted or impaired driving.
Some key facts:
Some teens believe using cannabis would make them a better driver – This is false!
Speeding is a factor in one third of teen driver deaths
More than half of teen deaths from drunk driving occur on the weekends
Distracted driving is a factor in 15-19 per cent of all fatal crashes involving teen drivers
According to a recent survey, 96 per cent of Canadian drivers would stop driving distracted, if a passenger asked them to.
October 16th-22nd, 2016 is National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW)!
While young people only make up 12% of licensed drivers, they account for approximately 20% of all road-related injuries and fatalities. This year, National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW) is focused on both distracted driving, which is a factor in 15-19% of all fatal collisions involving teen drivers. NTDSW is also building awareness of drug-impaired driving as an emerging issue with cannabis being the drug most commonly found in young drivers who are fatally injured in crashes.
Not only is Safe Communities Humboldt & Area working with our region high schools on this initiative, but we are also taking this information to the general public including adult drivers at the upcoming Humboldt & District Chamber of Commerce Fall Showcase and Trade Show taking place in Humboldt on November 5th & 6th, 2016. We are implementing the Red Thumb Reminder Campaign in 2016 to help raise awareness surrounding the issue of distracted driving by encouraging drivers to paint their thumb nail red as a simple but powerful visual reminder to put the phone away while driving and remain focused on the road. Take the pledge and use the #RedThumbReminder to help you and everyone else on the road #GetHomeSafe!
October 19-25, 2015 is National Teen Driver Safety Week (NTDSW)!
Did you know:
- A texting driver is 23 times more likely to cause a crash than a non-texting driver.
- Texting and driving is the # 1 killer of teen drivers.
- 40% of speeding drivers in fatal car crashes are 16 – 24.
- Young people make up 13% of licenced drivers but account for 24% of road fatilities.
What can you do?
Is answering or sending that text really worth your life or the life of someone elses? Please don’t text and drive!! You will get caught eventually, hoopefully all you’ll get is a fine when you do.
Do you commit to #PracticeSafeText? These people do!