Falls account for over 50% of all hospitalizations within the Saskatoon Health Region. The majority of these falls involve seniors. However, stats show that individuals of all ages including children visit hospitals because of falls. 75% of all hospitalizations of children involve falls in a playground setting.
At least 29,000 children younger than 15 years of age receive treatment for playground injuries in hospital emergency departments each year in Canada. Children five to nine years of age have the highest risk of injury, with males injured slightly more often than females (53% versus 47%). Playground injuries occur most often in summer (43%), followed by fall (27%), spring (24%), and winter (6%).
Courtesy of: Injury Section Public Health Agency of Canada analysis of data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) and the Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (CHIRPP). In; 2000.
Call 306-682-0705 for more information on future Falls Prevention programming.